Troll-status aside (be it positive or negative), the above adage may be true for some photographs, dare I say, the really “good” ones—perhaps those taken/created/exposed/composed by a real photographer. Mine, however, are far less verbose. Thus, costing you (the aforementioned reader (and/or apparently literate troll)) far less time; time you should really be devoting to more important and enriching activities.
Those activities notwithstanding, I humbly present to you the first in an infrequent series of photographic blogs, entitled "a picture's worth," which will specialize in a most confusing coupling of both word and picture. Try to keep up; we’ll be moving at a snail’s pace from this point forward.
So, why start with this particular photograph? It’s not a recent picture, nor did the taking of it facilitate or inspire the creation/writing of this very blog. In fact, to be honest, it just happens to be one of my favorites (that I’ve taken, of course). Hence, it’s inclusion here.
Now, based on that assessment, you can either assume that 1) I have set extremely low standards for myself (true), or B) that this photo blog may have an extremely short life expectancy, given that I’ve started with my personal favorite, and that it is only going to get worse from here on out (also quite possibly true). Regardless, you are apparently still reading this, so I will continue…
This photo was taken while traveling north along California State Route 1 (a.k.a. the Pacific Coast Highway) just outside the small town of Morro Bay. And as the astute reader I know you to be, you have probably already guessed at least one, if not both, of the subjects in the photo. Yes, that’s me, accompanied by my beautiful fiancé. No, I’m the one without the umbrella, smart-ass.
I find it's inclusion here, as well as it's status as one of my favs, a bit odd—mainly because of my personal aversion to people who seem to take photos of nothing other than themselves. And yet here it is, a self-portrait, chosen as the subject of my inaugural photo blog. The inherently conflicted, often hypocritical, nature of this decision (and all things me) should be noted and applied where applicable…which is everywhere. I guess I love looking at myself as much as the next person. I mean, can you blame me? [Blame me.]
To be completely honest, I’m not really sure why this is one of my favorite photos. I would like to think that I've taken better. I’m sure some of this has to do with the attached, personal memories of the corresponding road trip. Though I don’t think it’s solely that. I’m not sure if it’s the seemingly non-symmetrical symmetry of it (WTF?), or maybe the way in which that dark cloud has fortuitously perched itself above my unsuspecting, non-umbrella-covered head. Or maybe it’s just the beautiful lady standing next to me, making me look somewhat good. Again, I’m not really sure. All I know (or hope, rather) is that if a “good” picture is worth a thousand words, this one is at least worth these 586, right?
Worth: 586 words (and grammatical errors)
Camera: Canon EOS 7D (18mm, f/8, 1/100)
Soundtrack: Cat Power - Manhattan (odd, given the very California-y nature of the featured photograph)
Thoughts on life: N/A (N/A)
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